
Cassepedro provides various services to make easier our farmer's life

Commercial Section

This section is responsible for the commercialization of all types of products, farming implements and tools necessary for agricultural, livestock and forestry activities.

This section ensures the sale of products produced by Cassepedro's partners, such as corn, wine, honey and cabbages. This section provides home deliveries to the whole municipality.

Commercial Section

OPP/ADS Section

Installed in Cassepedro since 1990, the "Agrupamento de Defesa Sanitária" (ADS) (Health Defence Group), currently known as the "Organização de Produtores Pecuários" (OPP) (Organization of Livestock Producers), is responsible for screening and vaccinating all cattle and small ruminants (sheep and goats) in the municipality of S. Pedro do Sul. Reception and computerization of models resulting from animal movement and lost earrings, registration of herds in accordance with the SNIRA ("Serviço Nacional de Identificação e Registo Animal" - the National Service for Animal Identification and Registration).

OPP/ADS Section

Section to support the Farmer/Producer

Cassepedro carries out its functions under the Ministry of Agriculture, through the "Confagri – Confederação Nacional das Cooperativas Agrícolas" and the "Crédito Agrícola de Portugal, C.C.R.L." and via the Balcão Verde (assistance desk), where agricultural producers have access to the applications of "Pedido Único", "REAP - Regime de Exercício da Atividade Pecuária" (Regime for the Livestock Activity), "Parcelário", and "Instituto da Vinha e do Vinho, IP ", in addition to agricultural and forestry advice.

Professional Training Section

The professional training provided by Cassepedro CRL in partnership with Confagri CCRL is extremely important as members can acquire theoretical/practical knowledge in accordance with the current requirements and standards, such as: Application of Phytopharmaceuticals (in Portuguese: The APF'S - "Aplicação de Fitofármacos") and Safety Rules for Driving and Operating a Tractor (in Portuguese: The COTS - " Conduzir e Operar o Trator em Segurança").

Professional Training Section

Outros Services